Notes on terms: “Art” means anything visually artistic – from website design, to comics, to fine art, to animation, to whatever type of visual art that makes you squee with joy. ^_^

1. What art and art industry related topics do you find interesting?

2. Do you like long, involved tutorials – like a seminar on the web – related to art (ie. techniques, viewing, the industry, etc)?

Yes No

If the previous answer is yes, please list topics that would interest you.

3. Is there a centralized location you go for most of your art related questions?

Yes No

If so, where? If not, where do you get your art related questions answered?

4. Are you aware of the art related training institutes available in your area?

Yes No

5. Have you ever attended an art related training institute? (ie. Summer program, college that offers art degrees, art colleges)

Yes No

If the previous answer is no, would you like to? If so, where would you wish to go?

6. What type of art interests you the most?

7. If you could go to an online library of art related information, what would you want the most to be able to find there?

8. What art related topics do you consider rare in terms of discussion and information available online about that particular topic?

9. What type of conventions, if any, do you attend? (ie. Anime Expo, Comicon, Wondercon, etc)

10. Are you a visual artist? (Do you draw, paint, design, etc)

Yes No

11. If you are an artist, do you sell your work?

Yes No

If so, where?

12. Do you buy artist works?

Yes No

If so, where?

If so, what types of artwork do you buy? (ie. prints, postcards, stickers, sculptures, original drawings, etc)

<--Press that button to submit the info :]

That concludes my survey. Trust me, all the information will be put to good use -- thank you ever so much for your time!!!